Week 5: Carbs,Sugar and Alcohol

Understanding carbohydrates

Forms of carbohydrates


Carbs come in 3 forms - all are important in a balanced diet.




Sweet, short-chain carbohydrates – the basic energy blocks to support bodily functions and physical activity. Examples are glucose, fructose, galactose and sucrose. Other names to describe sugar includes - brown sugar, molasses, honey, cane sugar, maple syrup, corn syrup, agave nectar, Stevia.




Complex, Long chains of glucose molecules, which the body breaks down into glucose once it’s in the digestive system. High starch foods include vegetables like corn, beans and legumes, potatoes, grains, rice, oats, barley, etc.




We as humans cannot digest fibre, so it does not provide energy directly, but it does feed the friendly bacteria in our digestive system and they produce fatty acids that we can use as a source of energy. Fibre is generally found only in plants and for optimal health, adults should be eating 25 to 30 grams each day. Any increase in fibre in your diet will be helpful, fibre also helps to slow the rate of absorption of carbs reducing the rate at which blood sugar increases. For example; eating fruit vs drinking fresh fruit juices, when we drinking fruit juice there is little to no fibre content which means the sugars are absorbed rapidly which leads to a spike in our blood sugar where as eating fruit which contains fibre slows down this process and the sugars are processed more gradually.


Healthy vs Unhealthy Carbohydrates


Not all carbs are created equal and some carb sources are healthier for us than others. It’s more important to eat a range of good quality carbohydrates from healthy foods than to follow a strict diet limiting or counting the number of grams of carbohydrates consumed.


The healthiest sources of carbohydrates so called ‘whole carbs’ are usually unprocessed grains, vegetables, fruits and beans.


The less healthy or empty calorie sources of carbohydrates are the more highly processed or refined foods like white bread, pastries, softdrinks, are calorie rich but nutrient poor and should be avoided.


The reason they should be limited or avoided in a healthy diet is that they are digested quickly and cause unhealthy spikes in blood sugar levels, triggering a surge of insulin and leaving you feeling hungry very soon after a meal, often craving more sugary carbs to replenish your energy levels. This vicious cycle can cause you to overeat, gain weight, and over time leads to insulin resistance and eventually type-2 diabetes and heart disease.




Sweet little lies: Sugar myths vs facts


The truth might not be what you're expecting...


Myth 1: Sugar isn’t addictive

Fact: In a way, it actually is.


Foods high in sugar can have an addictive effect; eating them can trigger the reward system in our brain, causing the release of dopamine. That’s why it can be tough to not to reach for something sweet.


But sugar alone isn’t to blame. “It's not just sugar that creates a highly palatable food, it's also salt and fat,” explains Jazmyn McKinnie, National Nutrition and Wellness Manager at Live Life Get Active. Live Life Get Active is a charity supported by nib foundation, offering free wellbeing and nutritional programs to help address obesity, diabetes and mental health issues among Australians.


“If you think about eating a piece of chocolate, it's the combination of the sweet flavour (from the sugar) and creamy flavour (from the fat) and the way it melts in your mouth that makes it feel 'addictive’,” Jazmyn says. “If you have a bowl of pure sugar sitting in front of you, you're probably less likely to sit there and eat it by the spoonful, but when it’s a bowl of ice cream, you may find it hard to stop.”


Myth 2: Sugar causes cavities, obesity and diabetes

Fact: It certainly doesn’t help, but it isn’t the only risk factor.


Sadly, what your dentist told you when you were a child was right – candy is bad for your teeth. When we eat sugar, oral bacteria feed on it and release acid as a by-product, which attacks tooth enamel. That alone should be motivation to cut back on sugar for anyone who’s had a filling or two.


As far as your waistline goes, your liver is clever at metabolising sugar to be used for energy, but excess sugar is converted into fat in the liver, raising your risk of diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular diseases.


Myth 3: You should say farewell to fruit.

Fact: Don’t throw out the fruit bowl.


Sugar is added to many foods but occurs naturally in some. It’s pretty telling that the WHO guidelines for sugar consumption don’t refer to those naturally present in fresh fruits, vegetables and milk. That’s because fruit is an essential part of a healthy, balanced diet.


“Sugar is not the devil. It's naturally found in foods that give us energy and help our brain function properly,” Jazmyn says, adding that there’s no need to restrict yourself when it comes to fruit. “Fruit in its wholesome natural form is full of fibre and lots of antioxidants that keep your body strong and healthy.”


Myth 4: Sugar is easy to avoid

Fact: Check your labels – it isn’t as easy as it seems.


Sugar is the master of multiple identities, making it impossible for the average person to know if their favourite snack is packed with the sweet stuff. Here are some of its other names: agave nectar, cane juice crystals, dextrose, galactose, glucose, high fructose corn syrup, molasses, sucrose and treacle.


Sugar is almost always found in processed foods from yoghurt  to breakfast cereal to pre-made sauces and dressings and in many products that you wouldn't expect to find added sugar.

Making food from scratch is always the best option.


Myth 5: Sugar alternatives are a healthier option

Fact: In some cases, they can be.

It is true that some types of sugar are better for you – this includes substitutes like coconut sugar, pure maple syrup, and honey. Sure, they’re still sugar, but the added nutrients they contain are what makes them a superior choice.


However, the added nutrients and potential health benefits don’t give you a free pass to indulge.Even ‘healthy’ treats made with these forms of sugar or sweetener should be consumed in moderation. Some nutritionists swear by using dates and sultanas to naturally sweeten recipes – that way, it’s still a treat, but you’re getting a sweet kick of fibre at the same time.


Where to go from here?


The brave among us may have already cut sugar from their diet altogether, but for the rest of us mere mortals, don’t go throwing your sweet treats in the nearest bin just yet. Here are a few simple ways to reduce your sugar intake:


1. Read your labels


You may be surprised to know what’s hiding in the ingredients in products advertising themselves as a ‘healthy’ alternative. Check the labels for sugar content and look at the amount of sugar per 100g serving if a products 20g of sugar per 100g that’s 20 percent sugar!


2. Swap it out


A few small changes could make a huge difference. Swap sugar on your cereal for some fresh or dried fruit, swap your white bread for whole-grain varieties, wean yourself off adding sugar to your morning tea or coffee or try a handful of nuts and some fruit instead of a muesli bar.


3. Show some restraint


Moderation is key. Ensure your body is getting the nutrients it needs with fruits and vegetables, lean meats, whole grains and dairy. Like everything in life, it really is all about balance.


“You should never feel like you have to cut anything completely out of your diet; you can enjoy chocolate, ice cream and cakes here and there and don't have to feel guilty about it,” Jazmyn says. “As long as your priority is to fill your body with lots of fruit, veggies and wholesome foods, having a small amount of sugary food here and there is perfectly okay.”


What happens when we stop drinking alcohol?


Say goodbye to hangovers


It may sound obvious, but stopping drinking means you will no longer suffer from hangovers. The nausea, headaches, or tiredness you may have felt the morning after drinking could be replaced with improved mood as well as feelings of productivity.


Better mental health


Regular, heavy drinking interferes with chemicals in the brain that are vital for good mental health.2 So, while you might initially feel relaxed after a drink, alcohol can contribute to feelings of depression and anxiety. And stopping drinking could make feelings of stress easier to deal with.


Improved energy levels and better sleep


If you stop drinking completely, one of the first things you notice should be improved energy levels, better sleep and finding it easier to wake up in the morning.


Regular drinking can affect the quality of your sleep making you feel tired and sluggish during the day. This is because drinking alcohol disrupts your sleep cycle.3


Although some people find drinking alcohol helps them get to sleep more quickly, the quality of sleep is affected. Alcohol disrupts the important Rapid Eye Movement (REM) stage of sleep, which can leave you feeling tired the next day – no matter how long you stay in bed.


Your skin will look better


Drinking less alcohol can have a positive impact on your appearance - and your skin in particular.


Alcohol dehydrates your body, including the skin, and this happens every time you drink. This can cause your skin and eyes to look dull. But stopping drinking could help your skin’s hydration.


You could lose weight.


Drinking less alcohol can have a positive impact on your appearance - and your skin in particular.


Alcohol dehydrates your body, including the skin, and this happens every time you drink. This can cause your skin and eyes to look dull. But stopping drinking could help your skin’s hydration.



WEEK 6: Eat more micronutrients.


Week 4: Fats and Intermittent Fasting